US dollar values are approximate, based on the average price of FLOW that day.


Current floor:  0.59 FLOW ($0.63)
Last sale:  0.50 FLOW ($0.44) (May. 31, 2024)

Max/Min by FLOW

Max. FLOW sale:  2.00 FLOW ($1.12) (Aug. 12, 2023)
Min. FLOW sale:  0.07 FLOW ($0.60) (Dec. 23, 2021)

Max/Min by USD

Max. USD sale:  $5.88 (0.90 FLOW) (Jan. 30, 2022)
Min. USD sale:  $0.27 (0.60 FLOW) (Sep. 23, 2023)


7 days:  No sales
30 days:  No sales
60 days:  No sales
90 days:  No sales
180 days:  No sales
All time:  0.55 FLOW / $1.83 (sales: 112)

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The data on this website comes with no warranties or guarantees. was built for fun by a Flovatar fanatic.