US dollar values are approximate, based on the average price of FLOW that day.
Latest | ||
Current floor: | 0.99 FLOW ($1.05) | |
Last sale: | 0.69 FLOW ($0.39) (Sep. 13, 2024) | |
Max/Min by FLOW | ||
Max. FLOW sale: | 8.00 FLOW ($67.84) (Dec. 20, 2021) | |
Min. FLOW sale: | 0.10 FLOW ($0.92) (Dec. 25, 2021) | |
Max/Min by USD | ||
Max. USD sale: | $67.84 (8.00 FLOW) (Dec. 20, 2021) | |
Min. USD sale: | $0.39 (0.69 FLOW) (Sep. 13, 2024) | |
Averages | ||
7 days: | No sales | |
30 days: | No sales | |
60 days: | No sales | |
90 days: | 0.69 FLOW / $0.39 (sales: 1) | |
180 days: | 0.69 FLOW / $0.39 (sales: 1) | |
All time: | 0.93 FLOW / $4.17 (sales: 109) |
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